Building Trust in a Team

  • 4 on-demand lessons
  • Reflection exercises
  • Insights from other leaders globally
  • A cheat sheet summarizing best practices

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  1. What is Trust, Really? Free

    9 mins
    Trust is not likeability.  We are not trying to please everyone.  To build trust we need to focus on creating a physiologically safe team. This can be done through:  Character ...
  2. Building Affective Trust

    13 mins
    Prioritizing onboarding more than you normally would. Enable new hires to find commonalities with others quickly. Enable your new hire to feel seen, valued, and welcomed. Ditch ...
  3. Building Cognitive Trust

    8 mins
    Cognitive Trust Deep DiveWhat might not work as well as we think…Retreats, social events.  Thanking team members. Being transparent with information.  Show vulnerability. “I’m s...
  4. Applying This to Your Context

    17 mins
    It is essential to build trust on our teams because…20% of remote workers said loneliness was the biggest downside of remote work.  60% of managers and employees said they would...
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About your trainers…

Claire Lew
CEO at Canopy

Claire’s mission in life is to help people become happier at work. She’s been published in Harvard Business Review, Business Insider, Inc, CNBC, and Fortune, among others. She speaks internationally on how to create more open honest work environments.

Jenny Nichols
Leadership Trainer and Coach at Canopy

Jenny has a clear vision for the future: No more bad bosses. She has 10+ years in leadership development, and is pursuing her Ph.D. so she can better align data and research to leadership practices. She works with leaders to help them thrive.

Trusted by 30,000+ managers…

Explore more lessons…

Primer for New Managers
4 lessons
How to Coach Your Employees
4 lessons
How to Improve Team Morale
5 lessons
The Feedback Loop
5 lessons

See our full curriculum →